
Sometimes I wish I was assigned to an ADESCO that actually knows what it is doing and has some projects under its belt. Actually, I often wish that. Both of the cantones surrounding my caserio have ADESCOs that function well and are doing good projects. Cucurucho just started the water running from their potable water project, and soon the water will flow from El Jardín in a similar project. 

On January 17 and 18, Cucurucho celebrated their fiestas patronales (the state fair is the closest approximation I can give) in style. Somehow they brought a ferris wheel and carousel and tons of vendors and a discomovil (portable dance floor with lights and DJ) up the almost vertical road to the top of the hill that is home to a few hundred houses. The fiesta was awesome and despite not charging for the dance, very likely brought home a tidy profit for the ADESCO to continue projects.

My ADESCO had never done any fundraising or completed any projects. Until last week they didn't even keep meeting notes or have an accounts book. They have decided the two things they want to work on are a hand bridge for kids to cross the river to go to school in la colonia, and about 150 latrines. They are both worthwhile projects, but without funding they will go nowhere. The problem with latrine projects is that very few organizations in El Salvador want to provide latrines without tying it to a water project. For us that is not an option because the water project is already almost complete through the El Jardín ADESCO. I wish I could just convince all the families that send TVs and remesas to save $20 every month for their family to install a latrine instead.

On another note, somehow I spent that Saturday night as the catalyst for the dance at a one-year-old's birthday party. The family lives in the US, but like many families, they took advantage of the slow months to visit El Salvador. That Friday night I pointedly avoided dancing, accepting only one invitation from a guy who was incredibly insistent and also Salvadoran-American. Saturday night we were out in the campo and I left all pena behind, dancing with everyone who asked, mostly as a favor to the host, my host siblings' uncle. To say that I danced would be a vast exaggeration, but I made some shuffling passes in front of various partners for a number of songs, making sure to never dance more than one song with any guy and unsuccessfully prodding my host brother and sisters to join me. It made me miss South America, where everyone knows how to dance and even if they don't they have rhythm in the fiber of their being.

I find I am falling behind on blogging. Here's what's new:

I made cookies and s'mores and rice krispie treats with my host family.

The harvest is over and now we have dried corn to last the year to make hundreds and hundreds more tortillas

My puppy is healthy and back in site with me and happy as can be. And huge.

I started a women's group and taught a group of them to make pop top belts. They want to learn how to sew. How the hell do I solicit that?
Another volunteer came to visit and we may have spent the entire time acting like children.
January 22-24 was Project Design and Management training with counterparts from the community. It was great information, but I ended up having to carry the entire workshop because my counterpart contributed no ideas.
We listened to a ton of Beyoncé. Her new album is out, and it makes for a good listen.

I tried to visit Guarjila, but the shuttle drivers were otherwise occupied (stupid travel restrictions in country) so I went to the beach in Cuco instead and released turtles and met cool Canadians and read and made bracelets.

I have a ton of work and zero desire to do it.
Elections are today.
I got packages. Yay!
It is hot as the dickens here, but at least I have chocolate from awesome family and friends to make everything happier.
I got a new camera. Yay!
The little 3-year-old is going back to the US next month :(
My host brother has started to sell bracelets on commission, and I still make them sometimes too. Mostly I teach kids the basics and keep an eye out for new colors any time I'm in a city.

I'm listening to Watsky and missing my family and snow and looking forward to taking vacation even before I have done anything worthwhile in my site. Ah well, not every day is the best day.

Book Count: 30
New Book Count: 24


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