Free at Last

It has been a fantastic two years in El Salvador. I've made some amazing friends, learned a ton, hopefully helped my community in some small way, built confidence and skills, gotten a few illnesses and spent some nights in the hospital, explored three countries, watched endless hours of movies and TV, read hundreds of books, and discovered and rediscovered a deep love for Laini Taylor, Terry Pratchett, PentatonixJohn GreenHank GreenMindy Kaling, The Mindy ProjectChris Messina and the whole Mindy Project cast, Patrick Rothfuss, Darren Criss, all things Starkid, HitRecord, Neal Shusterman, Deb Perelman, and so many awesome fandoms. Life in Peace Corps isn't like it used to be - I celebrated along with everyone else when the marriage equality ruling was passed, got the Beyoncé album when it dropped, fangirled when Pentatonix released a new video, saw Inside Out before it left theaters, drooled over every new Smitten Kitchen creation, and kept in touch with my sister every week without fail. That's not to say that my life in Peace Corps has been the same as in the States, but it definitely hasn't been an isolating experience either. Doing all of my final interviews made me realize all over again how much I have grown and all of the wonderful people who have impacted my life. I've gained a whole new appreciation of high speed internet, quality public education, health care, sports programs, security and freedom.  I love my cohort and wish them all the best in all their endeavors all over the world. As for me, I'm off to somewhere without dengue, thanks very much. Unfortunately I have to leave my puppy behind - tragic, I know, but ultimately better for her because there's no way she would be happy cooped up in the city every day.   
I'm happy to be moving to a new country, overjoyed that I have been and continue to do things I am passionate about, and extremely grateful to have worked and played with so many wonderful people in my two years.

In my extreme excitement for finishing my (first) Peace Corps service, I thought I'd share my feelings with you.

Not that I don't love transportation restrictions, but...

My last meal is pupusas and burritos from La Granjita, and my first meal will be Chipotle.

I get to hang out with all of my friends for the week!

In Colorado!

I could not be more excited to eat raspberries and peaches

And be in a place where alcohol consumption isn't considered the pathway to hell and destitution

And most people have a college education! And are still weird!

Well, free for a week at least. I asked for it, so throw me your worst, Peace Corps Response!

and Thanks for an awesome run, El Sal

New books read: 108
Total books read: 150


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