Of Age

I suppose it is only fitting that I finally sit down and document my adventures and ideas on the day after my 21st birthday.  In the US, 21 means I am finally "of age."  It just makes me laugh that I celebrated this particular momentous occasion with two piñatas, a cake, pupusas, and about fifty kids of all ages. Irony of ironies, it was the rain (my least favorite of all weather) that allowed me to narrowly escape the dance (my least favorite of all events) planned for the end of the night.  All of this finery was put on by a 50-something kid at heart who gleefully made all of the kids give me a birthday hug, then gave me a blindfold and had me take the first swing at the Cinderella piñata.  I have never had a piñata in my life.  Whacking at things blindfolded in a room full of people is absolute madness, but I was falling off my chair laughing at the whole spectacle.

If this is work, then I'm all for it.  If this is real life, then I want to live every moment to the max.

I love the Tamarindo kids here in El Salvador and the work is interesting, albeit not what I expected.  I spend most of the time on the computer working out how to manipulate websites and words to create an appealing image of the Tamarindo Foundation so we can raise money to keep it going, do more with the kids, and build a new community center.  We are working on the Give Kids a Chance Tour (http://givekidsachance.us/), a bike tour across America to raise awareness, enthusiasm, and funds.  John says he won't cut his hair until they break ground - all I can hope is that they break ground soon.


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