Colors and Soup

It's strange - I often feel as if most of my time here is spent sitting and talking and doing very little, but I look back on my day and I feel like it was packed.  This morning I organized the broken bookshelf at the Tamarindo, throwing away the books that have been eaten through by termites, and cleaning those with dust and spiderwebs on them.  Lunch was far too filling - chicken, rice, mashed potatoes, hardboiled eggs and avacado, and a few potato wedges since I can never resist them even with a full plate - since I arrived at the "casa abierta," as they call Gio's house, to find the whole group of guys sitting down to a huge pot of soup, tortillas and juice.  I couldn't stuff in another bite, though the soup looked fantastic and Owen assured me that it was "sopa hecho por hombres, que no se puede encontrar en un comedor" - soup made by men and not some common thing that you could find in a restaurant.  Marlon took me to wander on Gio's land and to find his horse, gorrión.  As with much of El Salvador, it is gorgeous outside of the city, and easy to disappear into the hills.  Gorrión is sweet and pretty, and I rode briefly bareback in the rain.  They tell me we can come back later with a saddle and more horses and explore the hills.    

I spent the evening tie-dying with the Tamarindos.  Some of the shirts turned out awesome, while some were basically all one color.  I'm not sure if any will keep their color, since we didn't actually follow the directions, but it was fun anyway.  As darkness fell, I headed off to the casa abierta, and finally tried some of the soup.  It was delicious - a rich, hearty mix of veggies and chicken.  I spent the evening with the younger boys, playing cards and chatting until the coffee was ready.  No coffee here is complete without sweetbread, just as coffee isn't coffee unless there is half a cup of sugar for every cup of coffee.  I managed to avoid the sugar in the coffee, and enjoyed it on the bread.  After a midnight hike, we headed back to split up for the night - the boys are off to work in the field in the morning, and I am happy to sleep in.


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